The LORD your God

Family in jammies, heads bent over bibles as I helped Nate track Ted reading from Deuteronomy 7 & 8.  Some think the Old Testament is hard to read, but I love it.  As I listened, Moses said (with a Ted accent) time and time again, "the LORD your God".  In fact, in these two chapters he said it 25 times!  I began to contemplate why did Moses say it like this?  Why didn't he just say "the LORD" or "God"?  Why did he connect "the LORD" with "your God"?  

And this is what the Holy Spirit spoke into my soul, Moses was trying to get the people to grasp that the LORD whose name is unspeakable, comes from YHWH - his personal name that was considered too holy by the Jews to even utter, this same LORD is my God!  And I thought of the love I felt for my husband before we were married and how I looked forward to the day of our wedding when I could then say he was my husband or to the day when my first child was born and I could say this is my child.  That claim, that honor, that right should be magnified when I think of who my God is!  How many times have I read the phrase, "the LORD your God" and it didn't take my breath away??  This morning it took my breath away and brought a huge smile to my face!  And not only to mine, but to my children's.... Jake, this is the LORD your God....Isaiah, this is the LORD your God....Benjamin, this is the LORD your God...Madeline, this is the LORD your God....Nathaniel, this is the LORD your God!!!!!
Family in jammies, heads bent over bibles as we looked for and circled the phrase, "the LORD your God".

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