Challenges to My Lent Sacrifices

Once again, I am engaging in the practicing common during Lent of giving up, sacrificing something for Christ to identify in a minuet way with the suffering He experienced for me.  I came across these two challenging thoughts that have made me think more and more about how one truly dies to self during this season. 

“During this season, don’t just give up soft drinks; 
Mount a concerted campaign against impatience.  
Don’t just put aside your favorite TV show; 
Subdue your anger.   
Don’t just fast; 
Kill your self-centeredness.” 
~Peter J. Leithart

“Normally, we meet God in his good gifts and 
turn every enjoyment into worship with thanksgiving. 
But from time to time, 
we need to test ourselves to see if we have 
begun to love his gifts in place of God” 
~John Piper in A Hunger for God.
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