Multitude Mondays

However many blessings we expect from God,
 His infinite liberality will always exceed 
all our wishes and our thoughts. 
-John Calvin

 531.  how God can transform my day by a walk in the woods
532.  goofy sister is famous for catching me in goofy expression and it looks like Ben is going to be just like me (check him out on the far left.....I giggle every time I look at it!)
533.  Nate contentedly playing by himself climbing in Aunt Charissa's tree
534. puppy who can't resist licking our visual "Lent Forgiveness Flour"...she must have quite a few unvoiced people she needs to forgive
535. pot o' gold caramels....thoughtful husband
536.  piles of folded laundry spread out and lovingly done by husband
537.  crisis moments....where thoughts, hearts struggle to the surface to be heard in a desperate way...the Holy Spirit who helps wife and husband to truly hear, love and serve
538.  make Lenten Garden with Maddie and Nater
539.  Elisabeth Elliot's speaking on Sulking....Holy Spirit making my heart tender to be molded into seeing my sin, seeking forgiveness, feeling unspeakable joy
540.  homeschooling....I can never say enough how thankful I am that our family does it
541.  whoopie cushion that ripped apart from all the use....all's quiet now in the house (except for the real ones!)
542.  strawberry frozen slush drinks from Speedway
543. loving husband who delivers slush drinks from Speedway 
544.  Mom & Dad O. getting home safely from Florida
545.  card games....the kids and I are going thru a game spurt...quite often you'll find us playing a few quick hands of James Bond, Pounce or Golf in between school and work
546.  talking to Allie on the phone
547.  Holy Spirit speaking to me on Sunday about where I find my identity....this has been a real struggle for me lately....and even since Sunday I'm still stuck in negative thinking....makes it all the more maddening - one knows what one needs to do, but instead does nothing
548.  hugging and kissing on Ben....I don't think my older two boys would let me love on them like Benny does
549.  kids teasing me....during any read aloud time, invariably I'll become sleepy and struggle so hard to read aloud and hold it together, but apparently I begin to jumble my words and make mistakes and the kids get after me, "Mom - you're falling asleep again!"  Do they make a pill to keep you awake when you read?  I need one too for long-distance driving.
550.  husband who mopped my floors without being asked
551.  feeling of drowning and lack of control in our lives....I'm thankful because it eventually drives me even deeper into resting in Him, sometimes it just takes me awhile to get one else can rescue me...
552.  playing my guitar...I love learning new songs....currently playing I Need Thee by Jars of Clay, Your Hands by JJ Heiller, What Do I Know of Holy by Addison Road, Forgiven by Sanctus Real...I may not be gifted, but I "feel" it when I can figure out a song and play it
553.  fitting in time to connect with friends, even if it's only half an hour, I wish it was more

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