Multitude Mondays

Today I am determined to write down what I'm thankful for, even if that's all it is - less or no pictures, no effort in trying to make it complete since the last time I took count of my blessings.  I find lately that my life and thoughts are overwhelmed with frustrations and hurt, with small mixes of joy.  I keep praying that God would give me the eyes and ears to see Him around me, to help me to see the blessings, but there is a strengthened foundation when I journal them in written form, otherwise they disappear with my next weary sigh.  Tonight as I sat in BSF, these are the blessings I scribbled on a paper.  Our lecturer said tonight, "Praise is the proper response of those rescued by God's grace."  This is my praise to You Father!  Thank you for rescuing me.

941.  being asked to lead 40+ kids in worship at Ezone with Jake & Isaiah.  No matter how weary I am, I never am weary of singing with joy and fun to my Father in heaven
942.  being one in spirit with gangly 5th gr. boys, self-concious 4th-5th gr girls, rambuncous 2nd 3rd gr boys and sweet K-3rd grade girls.....having fun and yelling
943.  seeing Jake serve and bless these kids at Ezone....he had a group of kids flocking to his table to play and watch Jenga...hearing Jake talk to them, encourage them, build them up, love them....then hearing in the van how much fun he had doing it - enough to make my heart burst!
944.  God's Word...pure and simple...where would I be without it?
945. matter how dry I sometimes feel the questions are, once at class - the opportunity to rethink, to ponder, to listen, to have a quiet enough space in my head to hear the Holy Spirit whisper into my heart things I need to learn
946.  family gatherings....I so take for granted being at a family gathering and having love shared freely and the commonality that everyone loves the Lord....
947.  each teenager who came to the Youth Worship practice...that they want to do something for the Lord....I pray that I can get past some of the critical things they say of the worship I lead and just gently guide them to grow in their walks in all areas of their lives
948.  good report of my dad's health - most recent check-up - a negative PSA #!!!
949.  my dad's smile TO me.....I love my dad's smile...he has permanent creases on his face where his smile lines are....but recently I stopped by their house to pick something up and my dad greeted me and something special happened....he said hello and I back and then I just grinned at him b/c he was so cute with suspenders on and he gave a grin back that I felt like was his joy at looking at me too....hard to explain....that he finds joy in me....
950.  Allie....her kisses goodbye on Sunday as we drop her off after church....her hugs
951.  Caleb & Sam Hodgson - for being such good friends to my girl, Maddie
952.  unexpected hug from a friend
953.  time spent up at Charis' I cherish our relationship
954.  walks along Crocus Trail w/ Amy....catching up...trying to help one another get active...
955.  MAC computer...(sorry window lovers)
956.  unexpected phone call from niece and nephew to share with their aunt how God orchestrates events to fill his purposes...
957.  coffee dates
958.  songs we can't get out of our heads...."Grovel, grovel..." "Go go go Joseph You Know what they say"...."Joseph whatcha gonna do?".....(our nephew and niece were involved in a school play for Joseph & Amazing Dreamcoat and since then we've been waking up singing songs.... even at Thanksgiving with the extended family you'd hear a tune be sung randomly throughout the day!)
959.  a person at church who always helps us tear down and pack up all the equipment....God has given me such a thankfulness for his quietness and servant's I can't look at him now without seeing him thru God's eyes!
960.  kids playing tricks on one another....Nate came down one morning totally oblivious that his sibling had drawn a mustache on his face in the night....
961.  fellow sister in Christ teaching me how to make homemade soap
962.  being around happily married couples...

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