Multitude Mondays
It's been quiet here lately because at times, I cannot justify taking the time away from homeschooling or family to post. But I've noticed that when I don't reflect, put down all the little blessings in my days, my soul becomes parched. To "taste and see that the Lord is good" truly transforms me to "blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him" (Psalm 34:8)
609. rained out tournaments which leaves our family with peaceful weekends
610. celebrating another year of my husband's life
611. my marriage and my husband....more and more I appreciate the little things in our life together, like talking a walk in the evening
612. time alone with Amy B. as we packed up her attic
613. time with the Baker kids, playing risk, cards, riding bikes, eating a picnic lunch at the big rock and treasuring the friendships we have
614. the openness of Jake in sharing how he struggling at baseball, the opportunity to help him fight the enemy's lies, how it breaks my heart to see him struggling so like his mom
615. the answered prayer thru the encouragement Jake received on Saturday from coach
616. my brother-on-law giving me time with my sisters as he went and picked up Jake for me
617. enjoying the worship that Chaney and Landon led at the Vantown church on Saturday night....I couldn't stop grinning at Landon and trying to make him smile...they both did a great job and sang/played beautifully! I've already gotten a verbal agreement from them that they'll come to the HUB and play for us there!
618. more signs of spring....I'm addicted to it!
619. catching sight of a pilated woodpecker this morning by the swings
620. friends and family who came to support Jake and Isaiah as they helped lead worship at our church on Sunday
621. the awesome job both Jake and Isaiah did on guitar and drums for worship...God really worked thru them
622. hearing how the HUB is a place of refuge for kids in our was a good reminder that God is using our small church and He does have a purpose for us
623. bunny sitings on my walks
624. fresh eggs....the excitement as the kids continued to reach in and pull out "another one!" 9 total today
625. blinding sunlight, baseball cap to pull low over my eyes to shield me as I lose myself in God's Word
626. naps on the couch
627. BSF....drawing to a close this year...reflecting on all God's taught me thru John...anxious to begin again in Isaiah
628. car rides home from BSF....hearing how God's using BSF to grow my children in their walks
629. the blessing given to me by someone at BSF that the words I shared with her were meant for her in that moment to encourage her and guide her
630. my husband listening to my offended heart and helping me sort out my doubts and helping me to trust the truth I know
631. God's perfect I wrestle with doubt and at BSF I hear the message that Jesus wasn't angry at Thomas for his doubts, He met him where he was and reassured him and encouraged him to change

609. rained out tournaments which leaves our family with peaceful weekends
610. celebrating another year of my husband's life
611. my marriage and my husband....more and more I appreciate the little things in our life together, like talking a walk in the evening
612. time alone with Amy B. as we packed up her attic
613. time with the Baker kids, playing risk, cards, riding bikes, eating a picnic lunch at the big rock and treasuring the friendships we have
614. the openness of Jake in sharing how he struggling at baseball, the opportunity to help him fight the enemy's lies, how it breaks my heart to see him struggling so like his mom
615. the answered prayer thru the encouragement Jake received on Saturday from coach
616. my brother-on-law giving me time with my sisters as he went and picked up Jake for me
617. enjoying the worship that Chaney and Landon led at the Vantown church on Saturday night....I couldn't stop grinning at Landon and trying to make him smile...they both did a great job and sang/played beautifully! I've already gotten a verbal agreement from them that they'll come to the HUB and play for us there!
618. more signs of spring....I'm addicted to it!
619. catching sight of a pilated woodpecker this morning by the swings
620. friends and family who came to support Jake and Isaiah as they helped lead worship at our church on Sunday
621. the awesome job both Jake and Isaiah did on guitar and drums for worship...God really worked thru them
622. hearing how the HUB is a place of refuge for kids in our was a good reminder that God is using our small church and He does have a purpose for us
623. bunny sitings on my walks
624. fresh eggs....the excitement as the kids continued to reach in and pull out "another one!" 9 total today
625. blinding sunlight, baseball cap to pull low over my eyes to shield me as I lose myself in God's Word
626. naps on the couch
627. BSF....drawing to a close this year...reflecting on all God's taught me thru John...anxious to begin again in Isaiah
628. car rides home from BSF....hearing how God's using BSF to grow my children in their walks
629. the blessing given to me by someone at BSF that the words I shared with her were meant for her in that moment to encourage her and guide her
630. my husband listening to my offended heart and helping me sort out my doubts and helping me to trust the truth I know
631. God's perfect I wrestle with doubt and at BSF I hear the message that Jesus wasn't angry at Thomas for his doubts, He met him where he was and reassured him and encouraged him to change