Multitude Mondays

45. The excitement of Nate conquering bike without training wheels. Every spare moment he is outside riding up and down our driveway. He's the last of my little ones to pass this milestone and I watch him with joy and with tears!
46. As of today, my father only has 6 more treatments to go!
48. Ted's time out in the woods, by himself, or with a boy or two, as they listen and watch God's creation without distraction
49. Hugs
50. Time this past weekend spent w/ Jake & Isaiah at Quiz Meet at ONU and Isaiah's team taking 6th place out of 35-40 teams and Isaiah placing 19th individually and Jake placing 26th individually out of 70+ quizzers
51. Sun shining thru yellowed, reddened leaves and cold wind blowing leaves gently to the ground
52. Circle time this morning and my oldest wanting to do it too and remembering all the sweet poems and songs we used to do with him
53. Making a leaf garland with Nate and Maddie - decorating our home with God's creation brings so much beauty to our days

54. BSF lessons that God uses to remind me of His truths - that "faith almost always involves some risk" (help me Lord to be obedient enough to "go" places that are risky) and "surely the Lord needs to cleanse our church worship today, which often is really a celebration of self rather than adoration of God. One wonders at the careless indifference of men and women who are never late for business but because of inconvenience and love of comfort, choose to be late for the morning worship, missing the opening prayer of worship and song, as though God did not matter! One often wonders what He thinks of the constant chatter and idle gossip that often precedes the worship service even within the sanctuary on Sunday morning, making it impossible for quiet prayer and heart preparation to meet with the Lord" (help me Lord to stay strong in living this truth out each week - move in the local body of believers to have this same focus of adoration of YOU)
55. much as I think people rely too heavily on technology to "create shallow relationships", God uses it for good to allow me to be a friend across many miles to someone in pain

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