Multitude Mondays

11.   Chilly, fall days
12.  Another year with my Dad and answer to prayer that after 14 radiation treatments he has no side effects.
13.  Husband who prays for me when I'm anxious about church
14.  Nate - 6 years today and I pray many more with him
15.  Madeline - 8 years tomorrow and I pray many more with her
16.  Time spent w/ Townsends enjoying Shawn McDonald this past weekend
17.  Friends  - who are faithful in praying
18.  Time spent with Dad as he shared with Jake, Isaiah & Madeline how God's encouraged him through this disease.
19.  my Capitivating God!
20.  my girl, asking if I'll hold her after she gets her jammies on, reminding me how fleeting our time together is....

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