Proclaim the name of the LORD

This morning a question in my BSF lesson convicted me and I just sat there and cried. It was based on scripture of Deutronomy 32:3-4 where Moses says, "For I will proclaim the name of the LORD; ascribe greatness to our God! The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and upright is he." BSF asked what does Moses' praise of God say about the man Moses and then it asked me to tell about the different ways I've "proclaimed the name of the LORD" in the past week.

In answer to the first part of the question, I thought, "Wow. Moses KNEW God in a way I long to. He KNEW God's character even when things around him seemed confusing and discouraging - he never let those circumstances change his opinion of who God is and was. He KNEW - he BELIEVED - he TRUSTED God in everything. It was like his faith was solid - solid as a rock - a fortress, impentrible by the circumstances of this world."

Then the conviction set in.... how have I "proclaimed the name of the LORD" this week? And as I thought about this past week - all I could see and hear were all the glaring times I didn't say anything or the times I questioned and cried/whined about circumstances in my life or those I love or even when I didn't speak the questions but let them be entertained in my head and heart. My life does not look like a fortress, but of a shack littered with holes. And it feels as if my heart is breaking, and I'm sure breaking His, to know that I have not proclaimed the name of the LORD in a way that honors Him, but dishonors Him. Forgive me Father. May my life proclaim Your name from this day forward in a way that gives honor and glory, even though I know it will never give You what is truly due You because I am so inept.

I will proclaim the name of the LORD; His creation speaks to us from all around - from the rains that fall to nourish the ground and give life to the woods surrounding my house - to the sun that shines in my window this morning - the same sun that I know shines on my husband and boys as they venture in the Canadian wilderness this morning. He is the same - constant - ever present God for me and for each person He created. He IS.

He is the ROCK, His work is perfect, for all His ways are justice. His work in my Dad's life, as he struggles with cancer, with fear, with pride, with embarrassment and bladder issues is perfect. He is my Dad's Rock - He is doing a work in his life whether we understand it or not that has no room for questioning or doubt - because God's ways are always perfect. Lord, give my father the heart to see this.

He is the ROCK in my friends' lives who are struggling with what the future holds for them with work and in these uncertain times financially for us all. We can be assured again that His work is perfect and that He is the ROCK in our lives - there is no reason to fear or to be discouraged because we have a God who will be with us in all the battles of our lives (Deut. 31:8)

I will proclaim the name of the LORD in my own struggles with depression and darkness. He has been my ROCK - He will continue to be my ROCK. He is a God of faithfulness, even when I've been unfaithful, and He is without iniquity! That means there cannot be any sin - any wrongdoing on His part in my life - therefore I will embrace these struggles - because He wills them to be. They are not wrong - they are His perfect plan for me. I can truly cry out, "Thank you Lord - may it change me into the creation You intended me to be. I believe You will weave my struggles with darkness into my children's life to make their walks with You more beautiful, more vibrant, more real - all the opposite of what the enemy whispers it will do to them. May it soften my heart to others struggles, may it humble me and keep me dependant upon only You, may it give me strength - not human strength - but faith strength, to BELIEVE, to TRUST, to KNOW like Moses knew. "

Thank you Father for giving Moses one last thing to do before he laid down with his fathers - a job that would encourage and spur the Israelites thousands of years ago, but would continue to speak years from then to a fellow sojourner in a small town millions of miles away. I will proclaim the name of the LORD that His provision for us through the Word and the Holy Spirit is perfect. All we need to do is open it with hearts hungering for Him.

I will proclaim the name of the LORD - He deserves ALL the glory and honor my heart can give.

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